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Delivery price in Vilnius

Order from 40 € and more

Orders to 40 €

Delivery on the chosen day at any time

Delivery within the selected time interval

Delivery within an hour interval

Delivery within 10 minutes interval


Delivery price

Delivery cost in the suburbs of Vilnius

Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs

Delivery on the chosen day at any time

Delivery within an hour interval

Delivery within 10 minutes interval


Delivery price

Delivery terms

  • Flower delivery available only in Vilnius (city) or Vilnius suburbs.
  • We deliver flowers in these Vilnius suburbs: Grigaičiai, Nemėžis, Grigiškės, Avižieniai, Skirgiškės, Bezdonys and other suburbs up to 20 km from Vilnius.
  • Products marked “Delivering in Lithuania” are additionally delivered to post offices.
  • Deliveries carried out from 9:30 till 20:00 hours – from Monday till Friday. On Saturday and Sunday (only pre-orders on Sunday) delivery time is from 10:30 to 17:00. If you want the flowers to be delivered later or earlier – contact us and we will clarify whether the courier could deliver at your desired time.
  • Orders can be delivered at any time of the day at your chosen interval (from 9h. till 13h., from 12h. till 17h., or from 16h. till 20h.) or at a specified time for an additional charge(possible delay or delivery up to 60 minutes). On public holidays (February 14, March 8 and mothers day) orders are delivered all day (from 8:00 till 22:00 by courier made route) or at exact time with an additional cost (on public holidays up to 1h delay from delivery at the exact time).
  • For flower orders up to 40 euros interval delivery in Vilnius costs 7 euros, in the suburbs of Vilnius – 9 euros. For orders from € 40 we apply free interval delivery in Vilnius city. For deliveries outside Vilnius city (in the suburbs of Vilnius) free shipping not applied.
  • The minimum order price is 15 €.
  • Orders can be delivered within one hour apart at an additional cost of € 5.
  • Orders can be delivered within 10 minutes at an additional cost of 15€.
  • On Monday – Friday we will deliver flowers on the same day if we receive the order till 16:00, on Saturday till 14:00.

Payment methods for orders

Purchase and sale rules

This sale – purchase agreement on online shop (further – e-shop) establishes the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the buyer and seller in purchasing goods in the online shop.

Conclusion of the agreement

Sale – purchase agreement is concluded, when the seller sends the buyer email with order confirmation. These terms of the agreement are integral part of the agreement.

Buyer’s rights, obligations and responsibilities

  • The buyer must immediately check received goods from e-shop and immediately report about noticed defects.
  • The buyer has right to refuse only goods or part of the product which is damaged or doesn’t match the buyer’s order.
  • The buyer is completely responsible of correct information entered in the order and assumes responsibility of all consequences as a result of incorrect information.
  • The buyer clearly understands that flowers are seasonal goods and  flowers and compositions of them may differ from pictured on website by season . For example color shade, flower head size, etc.

Seller’s rights, obligations and responsibilities

  • The seller has right to change price of goods at any time without prior notice.
  • Delivery cost is not in included in product price. Delivery price depends on the chosen delivery option and are calculated at the time of ordering and added to the final order price.
  • The seller obligate to provide to buyer only high-quality goods.
  • Civil liability is applicable to the seller only for his employees intentional or gross negligence damage.
  • The seller does not compensate indirect losses.
  • The amount of damages required by the vendor is limited by the price of the product (s) ordered by the buyer.
  • The seller starts processing orders only after receiving the buyer’s payment.
  • The seller has right to leave flowers or gifts to the recipient’s door in the fallowing cases:
    • if flowers or gifts recipient is not at home because of buyer incorrect or incompletely provided information about recipient.
    • if you can not find and contact the recipient of flowers or gifts a few times.
  • Seller has the right not to refund payment to the buyer in case the recipient refuses flowers or gifts.


  • If the products were delivered with defect or were delivered not all parts of order due to Gintarės Gėlės fault and the buyer makes a claim within two hours after delivery, then products will be replaced or money will be refunded.

1. General provisions

1.1 This Privacy Policy governs the principles and procedures for the collection, processing and storage of personal data by Gintarės Gėlės online shop (further ““) and client (further “You, Your“).

1.2 Collection, processing and storage of your personal information is governed by this Privacy Policy, the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other acts.

1.3 By entering you personal data to the online shop, you agree that will manage your personal information by this privacy policies and legal purposes, means and procedures.

1.4 We commit to sell products to persons who are over 16 years old. If You are under 16 years old, you can only buy products with the consent of your parents or guardians.

2. Collection, processing and storage of personal data. 

2.1 refers these basic principles of personal data processing:

2.1.1 Personal data collect for defined and legitimate purposes.
2.1.2 Personal data process accurately and fairly.
2.1.3 Personal information is constantly updated.
2.1.4 Personal data is stored for no longer that required for settings data processing purposes.
2.1.5 Personal data is processed only by those employees who have those rights.
2.1.6 All information about personal data process is confidential.

2.2 respects everybody’s right to privacy. Your personal data (name, surname, age, address, phone number, e-mail address and other information in the online shop registration from) are collected and processed for the following purposes:
2.2.1 process orders;
2.2.2 issue financial documents (for example, invoices);
2.2.3 to solve delivery problems;
2.2.4 implement other obligations of the contract;

3. Personal data transfer to the third parties. 

3.1 Personal data transfer to the third parties.
3.1.2 The seller has the right to transfer personal data to third parties, for the sole purpose of point 2.2.
3.1.3 Only in accordance with the laws of the Respublic of Lithuania.

4. Registration rules

4.1 You must provide full, complete and correct information about yourself on the registration form.  If you enter inaccurate, wrong or false information in the registration form, we have the right to cancel your registration and delete the data or restrict your ability to use the online shop.

5. Changing or updating of personal data

5.1 You have the right to change or update the information provided on the registration form at any time you want by contacting by e-mail  [email protected] or phone +370 683 11939.

6. Cookies

6.1 We inform you, that we insert information (cookies) in your computer (device). In this way we can offer the complete services and products from our online shop. We will use this information we received to identify you as previous site user by collecting site visiting statistics.

7. Terms change and final provisions

7.1 has the right to change to completely or partially change the privacy terms by notifying it in online shop. Further use of our website services means compliance with these terms. All disagreements are resolved by negotiation. Failing to reach agreement, disputes are resolved in accordance with the law of the Republic of Lithuania.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us by email [email protected]