Delivery price in Vilnius
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
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13.00 €
The Flower helium Balloon is a fun and playful gift for any occasion that will really cheer you up and delight the recipient. A 89 cm “Flower” is a very suitable gift for children, but adults will not be unhappy.
You can also take Helium balloons in Vilnius. To retrieve balloons or order a large amount of balloons – contact by phone or email.
Pink flower-shaped balloon added to a flower bouquet is an ideal gift for women, ladies, and little girls. With its size, the gift will leave an unforgettable impression and make the surprise even more striking. This huge flower balloon may become a great decoration for the party. Such colorful and bright helium balloon will create lovely atmosphere and will become the symbol of the celebration.
Shop opening hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9:00-18:00
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval