Delivery price in Vilnius
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
65.00 € – 88.00 €
Freesias – very attractive and charming flowers. This beautiful box will be a great gift for every birthday, wedding or other occasion.
The colors are chosen from those we have on sale at the time, if you want a specific color contact us.
The box contains number of freesias you chosen. Freesias box can consist of several numbers of freesias more or less and this is due to the size of the different freesia blossoms. The color of the box is chosen randomly, but we always match the color of box with color of freesias and we also select the appropriate ribbon.
Shop opening hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9:00-18:00
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval