Delivery price in Vilnius
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
8.00 €
The balloon is 46 cm in diameter. It is a balloon that will be suitable for all occasions. A smiley smile will cheer the recipient and raise the mood for the whole day.
Bright pink or yellow helium balloon “Smile” will cheer up everyone. This balloon does not reflect any specific celebration which is why it will be suitable to give for any occasion. The balloon will look well with flowers and that would even enhance the surprise effect.
Shop opening hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9:00-18:00
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval