Delivery price in Vilnius
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
49.50 €
Box of soap flowers “White, pink and lilac small roses” is an exceptional flower composition due to its colors and its pleasant smell. These soap flowers will be suitable as gifts for recipients of all ages.
The box holds 23 – 25 pcs. soap roses, the amount depends on the size of the flowers.
Shop opening hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9:00-18:00
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval