Delivery price in Vilnius
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
92.00 € – 135.00 €
The box of exclusive white roses looks not only beautiful but also extremely distinctive, as the heads of the white roses are decorated with red petals from the sides. The box as a gift will not leave any woman indifferent. This box is suitable for any occasion. Depending on the size of the rose blossoms, the number of roses may differ, so that the overall picture looks properly. Choose the amount of roses in the box.
Shop opening hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9:00-18:00
Order from 40 € and more
Orders to 40 €
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within the selected time interval
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval
Flower delivery in Vilnius suburbs
Delivery on the chosen day at any time
Delivery within an hour interval
Delivery within 10 minutes interval