Helium balloons

Helium balloons are a great gift next to flowers. Balloons give more effect when congratulating a person and reflect a joyful celebration. Helium balloons are a suitable gift with flowers for everyone – children and elders, because it is a gift that fills the heart with playfulness and joy. You can give balloons on any occasion – birthday, christening, child’s birth, wedding or name day. You just need to choose the right “type” of balloons and colors to match the theme of the celebration. For example, on the occasion of a christening or the birth of a child, a bundle of white and blue or white and pink balloons is usually given, depending on whether it is a boy or a girl. White balloons are usually given for weddings, but bundles of balloons in different and original colors are especially popular now. For example, a combination of black and gold balloons or white and pink balloons. A beautiful and tasteful bundle of balloons is also very suitable for a birthday. It is best that the bundle consists of no more than three colors – this way it looks elegant and beautiful. Colored balloons are perfect for children – the more colors, patterns and daisies, the more fun! You can also always choose a funny or simply beautiful foil balloon. These types of balloons are shiny, usually larger than rubber ones, and come in a variety of sizes – even over a meter! Fun and colorful foil balloons are suitable not only for children, but also for adults. A balloon will not only look fun next to a bouquet of flowers or a flower box, but will also lift your mood for the whole day. You can also choose of pearl balloons. These balloons are special in that they sparkle and shine more than ordinary ones. It is this glitter that turns a plain yellow balloon into a golden one, and so on. Golden balloons are especially suitable for a balloon “bouquet” containing golden numbers. In general, it is best to create a bouquet with only plain or only pearl balloons without mixing them – this way the overall picture will not be crowded with colors and different types of balloons.

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