
Carnations are multi-colored flowers that look great in mixed bouquets, and bouquets consisting only of carnations look especially elegant and tasteful. Carnations are especially suitable for greeting older people, so these flowers are often considered unoriginal and unfashionable. But don’t be fooled, carnations have long been back in fashion! This is proven by the fact that carnations have become very popular in wedding bouquets. Flowers of original and unique shape look very beautiful not only in bouquets, but also in a box. Carnations come in a variety of colors, from the usual pink, red or burgundy to bright blue and even green. Carnations are the kind of flowers that are suitable as gifts for all occasions. For Valentine’s Day, we recommend choosing a bouquet of bright carnations – burgundy or red. For March 8, choose a bouquet of soft, pastel colors that reflect tenderness and femininity. Carnations are one of the most suitable flowers for men, so we suggest choosing blue, red or green carnations. For all other occasions – name days, birthdays, anniversaries, carnations are also suitable flowers, but the color is no longer important, and the right amount of carnations should be chosen according to the size and significance of the celebration. The same rule applies to these flowers as to most others – the more special the holiday or the more special the culprit of the holiday is to you, the more flowers should be in a bouquet or flower box. Importantly, carnations are distinguished from other flowers by the fact that they usually bloom longer after picking. This means that when you send carnations to relatives, loved ones or friends, they will probably bloom longer and decorate the recipient’s home, office or other room where they will be placed. Order online carnations in various colors that will be enjoyed not only by women but also by men and surprise special people on any fun occasions.